We are professionals in what we do, because we do it every day and always provide high quality service. Our people are experienced and ready for any challenge. They do their job quick and well. We are the ones, you can rely on, when it comes to difficult objectives. Office and home moving is our professional competence, not a hobby. We are moving personal belongings, furniture, pianos, safes, offices, government institutions and flats on a daily basis. We are able to work on evenings during the week and on weekends. We are able to provide you with necessary amount of people and cargo cars. We always pack your belongings and furniture, so it gets to a destination in the same condition.

We offer:

Preparing to Move Furniture and Equipment

Pirms Biroja Pārvākšanās: 10 soļi - parcelies.lv

Preparing to Move Furniture and Equipment: 10 steps

  1. Arrange for movers. Check references. Provide movers with keyed office furnishings plan,
  2. including staff plans of office areas, before move.
  3. Arrange for phone company to install new lines for phone, fax, and Internet well in advance of a move.
  4. Provide phone company with keyed office furnishings plan, including staff plans of office areas, in advance of installation.
  5. Arrange with computer consultant to set up equipment/network at new location.
  6. Postpone computer upgrades or other major changes until after the move to avoid creating additional opportunities for something to go wrong with your computer system.
  7. Provide keyed office furnishings plan, including staff plans of office areas, before move.
  8. Arrange with copier company, if applicable, to have the copier set up at the new location.
  9. Provide keyed office furnishings plan before move.
  10. Based on planned layout of furniture and equipment in new office, re-measure spaces.